1. What to do, if the name query for the deceased does not yield a result? First, make sure that the name is spelled correctly. If this does not help, please check this list to find out whether we serve the cemetery you wish to request the service to. If the cemetery is on the list, return to the opening page, enter the name of the deceased in the name field and select the correct cemetery from the drop-down menu that opens. Then select the appropriate services and add instructions for finding the grave in the comments field.
The most common reasons why the query fails to provide results have been described here.
2. How do you locate the correct grave? Most of the time, we can make use of the data from Estonian Cemetery Portal. In cemeteries, of which there are no digital maps, we will find the right grave based on instructions from the client. Add your instructions for finding the grave in the comments field under the service description. It suffices to describe near-by objects (e.g. gate, well etc.) and give an approximate distance from them.
3. How to make the choice between S, M, L and XL sizes, if I do not know the size of the plot? We have divided plots into four size categories – S (up to 4 m²), M (up to 9 m²), L (up to 15 m²) and XL (over 15 m²). Choose the size that seems the most probable. If you accidentally chose a smaller or larger size, we will let you know after our visit. This way, you can make the correct choice next time. The usual measurements are 1.25 m × 2.5 m (for 1 person), 2.5 × 2.5 m (for 2 persons), 3.75 × 2.5 m (for 3 persons) etc. According to our estimate, S is a plot for one person, M for two or three persons, L for four or five persons and all the rest are size XL.
4. Where will you place the candles, if there are four people buried on the plot but the service request only mentions one grave? We will place the candles in front of the headstone of the person mentioned in the service request, unless you have specified a different arrangement in the comments.
5. What happens with the disposable candle cups you take to the grave?When we take candles to the grave, we will clean away the empty disposable cups we find there. The cups we take to the grave will be cleaned away by the next visitor – as has always been the tradition in Estonian cemeteries.
6. Is it possible to ask the candles to be delivered and lit on a specific date? Yes, please submit your request at least 14 days before the date in question.
7. How can I be sure that you have provided the service? Within two working days of providing the service, we will send a photo of the grave before and after the cleaning or the lit candle(s) to the e-mail address specified in the service request.